Tea With God Tea Party

Emilie Barnes, the author of "If Teacups Could Talk" (one of my all time favorite books), suggests in her book "More Hours in My Day", to make a Prayer Basket to help organize your prayer time and your life. I have found this to be a wonderful tradition. Here is my version of Emilie's Prayer Basket to have prepared to bring to your Tea With God Tea Party:

    The Prayer Basket

    You'll need the following items for your Prayer Basket:

    • A small notebook (5 1/2 x 8 1/2) or 3 ring binder for a Prayer Journal. Emilie suggests that you divide your notebook into three sections: Prayer Requests, Sermon Notes, and Notes.

    • A Pen and a Colored Highlighter Marker with post-it flags. The pen is obvious, but I find a colored highlighter marker (usually in a neon color) with post-it flags attached, invaluable when I read my Bible, especially if I come across a verse that speaks directly to me, or that I want to memorize. The post-it flags are super handy to stick on the edge of the page, marking the place for easy reference later on.

    • A Bible. Keeping your Bible handy has multiple benefits. While you are praying God may reveal something to you in a verse. Or you may be lead to do a Bible Study by yourself. Or if you are praying for someone specific, you might want to write them a note of encouragement along with a verse from the Bible that may relate to their situation. Sometimes, I have felt lead to just open my bible up randomly after praying about something, or if something is weighing heavily on my heart. It never fails to amaze me, how God can speak to us when our hearts are opened.

    • A Travel-Size Packet of Tissue. A dear friend of mine, and I, sometimes find ourselves especially teary-eyed during prayer. She often jokes that we are "cry babies", but I insist we are THS's (Tender Hearted Souls), especially open to the Holy Spirit, and there is no shame in crying.

    • Note Cards. Emilie suggests keeping note cards in your Prayer Basket, and I think that is a super idea. That way when you are praying for someone, you can send them a note of encouragement. I have been on a prayer partner list for a while, and once a month we get a postcard in the mail with the name of our prayer partner listed out by week. What a wonderful way to let your prayer partner know you were praying for them that week, by sending them a note card. I bet you will brighten their spirits if they receive a special card from you. Try it; you will be amazed and blessed.

    Other items you might want to add to your Prayer Basket are a small light weight blanket (fleece works nicely), a pair of reading glasses, or a devotional book. As time goes on, you'll know just how you want to personalize your Prayer Basket.

    A Tea With God

    Once you've gathered all the items needed for your Prayer Basket, and are satisfied that you have everything so you won't have to stop and go get something else, then it's time to prepare for the tea party.

    • The Tea: You can use any type of tea for this celebration. My suggestion would be either a black tea, green tea or a herbal tea. You want something that is relaxing but not so relaxing that it will put you to sleep while praying!

    • The Menu. This could be anything you want. I suggest something light, like a muffin or toast. This should be something related to the time of day you engage in your "Tea With God". I like to have my time with God in the morning. There is something calming and relaxing sitting outside on my back porch near the garden, and engaging in a conversation with God. There I feel close to God. We have a couple of Mourning Doves in our neighborhood, that like to nest in the pines in my back yard. The sound of their cooing makes this a sanctuary for me, along with the gentle rays of sunlight from the morning sun, make me feel like I'm basking in God's love. How about you? Where will you have your intimate "Tea with God"?

    The last thing you will need to bring to your "Tea With God" is:

    • Your Attitude of Gratitude. This is the most important ingredient that will determine your getting the most out of your "Tea With God". So no matter how often you engage in a "Tea With God", your attitude of gratitude will determine how successful your tea party turns out. You might initiate the tea with taking a moment and counting your blessings. I have found that no matter how many problems I have weighting me down, there is always something I can be grateful about; I just have to take a moment and look around to see that God has not forgotten me, and He has provided so many blessing in my life. How about you? Have you counted your blessings lately, before petitioning God for more?

    Write me and share your traditions and revelations in your "Tea With God". I would truly love to hear from you.

    A woman is like a teabag. It's only when she's in hot water that you realize how strong she is. ---Nancy Reagan

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